Customs Associates


Duty reliefs

Duty reliefs can be very rewarding in cash terms but, if implemented incorrectly, the savings can be reduced by increased administration. Tasks include identification of the correct relief depending on the circumstances, obtaining the right approvals from HMRC and the introduction of the most cost-effective processes for managing the relief procedure.


Inward Processing Relief

Duty and VAT can be relieved on goods imported for processing and re-export outside the UK by claiming Inward Processing Relief. Inward Processing Relief is also available for goods imported for processing and then used within the UK and is of particular benefit when the processed goods carry a lower duty rate than the rate applicable to the imported parts.


To claim Inward Processing Relief, an importer must be authorised by HMRC and this may either be through a full approval process or, for a one off transaction, may be approved at import under a Simplified Authorisation.


With a Simplified Authorisation, the duty and VAT relieved must be secured by means of a cash deposit or financial guarantee for the import charges. The goods must be re-exported within six months and, once the required evidence of export is obtained and a Bill of Discharge completed and sent to HMRC, the import duty and VAT are refunded by HMRC.


For continuing use of Inward Processing, a full IP approval from HMRC is needed.


An IP authorisation can, under certain circumstances, be granted retrospectively. Once authorised, it is most important to ensure compliance with the conditions of the approval.


Outward Processing Relief (OPR)

Many companies send goods abroad for manufacture or assembly and return to stock or send goods abroad for repair and return. OPR allows re-importation after process overseas with reduced payment of duty; effectively with duty only due on the overseas processing plus the transportation costs. It is of particular value where companies are able to take advantage of lower labour rates elsewhere in the world and is used particularly within the textiles industry.


Authorised Use

Certain industries (car industry, fish importers, bicycle assemblers) may benefit from reduced duty rates on imported products that are used for a specific purpose. This requires prior approval from HMRC and regular reporting on the use of the goods.


Customs warehousing

Many companies hold stocks of imported inventory in the UK, for onward distribution in the home market or overseas.


If imported goods are not required immediately, the customs duty a can be postponed through the use of customs warehousing. If they are to be stored before further manufacture, or before resale, then placing the goods in a customs warehouse delays the payment of the duty charges until the goods are removed for manufacture or resale. If they are re-exported, use of the warehouse can relieve the charges entirely, producing real cash savings.


A customs warehouse does not necessarily mean a locked building with bars on the windows. The goods are controlled through accurate accounting and reporting systems which record where the goods are and enables traders to keep goods in more than one location, provided the locations have been identified on the customs warehouse authorisation.


A customs warehouse generally needs to be operated with pre-approved simplified declaration procedures and traders will also need to have a deferment account from which HMRC can take the import duties each month.


Simplified declaration procedures

A lot of information is required in a customs declaration but simplified declaration procedures enable authorised businesses to make a brief declaration to HMRC at the time goods are imported and supply all the additional information at a later date (by the 10th day of the following month). Similarly, exporters can make their own electronic export declarations using the National Export System (NES). Both these systems can significantly reduce the costs of using customs clearance agents to make declarations.


Temporary imports

When goods enter the UK, they are subject to import duty and VAT, whether the movement of the goods is permanent or temporary. However, when goods are imported temporarily, duty and VAT relief may be available but the importer needs to apply for relief at or before the time of import. The importer may be required to provide security for the import charges, in case the goods are not re-exported within the specified time period and the duty and VAT becomes due.